Welcome to the New ME!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Through My Lens

We bought a new Nicon camera. It is something that we want to have long time ago. Since we are starting our new project we can take pictures of the progress of our project. Below are some of the pictures that i took for your entertainment:


Have fun you all!


Our New Mini Project

I do think that it is too early to post such title (Cili Farm) cause we just started our so called ' Projek Cili Fertigasi'. Never mind, i believe that the title will give an inspiration for us to become a successful entrepreneur (still a long way to achieve that). Alright, lets get to the point. Actually, i have always wanted to start something for business but due to limitation of time and finance plus, i hadn't made my decision the type of business that i want to get involve with i kept postponing my plan. After I bought a house, I sort of developing new interest which is gardening. So, that is how we came up with an idea to plant chili. We tried to find as much information about chili before we begun our project. Here is the story:

Minggu Pertama
Memandangkan kami masih baru dalam bidang ini dan pengalaman pun masih zero, kami merancang untuk menanam 50 pokok terlebih dahulu. Pertama sekali, kami membeli benih cili kulai, peat moss dan tray semaian dikedai Kimia Papar. Projek ini dijalankan di Sipitang. Untuk permulaan kami membuat semaian cili kulai sebanyak 100  pokok. Manalah tau banyak benih yang tidak tumbuh dengan subur ada juga backup he3.

Minggu Ketiga
Kami melawat ke PC Farm di Tamparuli untuk membeli peralatan seperti berikut:

1. Dripper Set
2. Off take valve
3. Coupler
4. Microtube
5. Nipple

Peralatan fertigasi dibeli secara perlahan-lahan due to our tight budget. Kami juga membuat perbandingan harga bagi memastikan kami mendapat harga yang murah dan terbaik. Perjalanan ke PC Farm tidaklah sesukar mana kerana kami telah mencari maklumat lokasi PC Farm melalui internet. Zaman sekarang dengan adanya internet apa2 maklumat pun boleh dicari :D

                          Pelan Projek Cili Fertigasi
                             Alat-alat Fertigasi yang dibeli dari PC Farm   

Gambar semaian cili belum ada lagi, please wait for my next post.